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Locality: Long Beach, New York

Phone: +1 347-913-5433

Website: www.empowerlifecoach.com

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Empower Life Coach 02.01.2021

On the 10th day of Christmas, your Empowerment Coach gave to you A joyful way to reconnect to old dreams You’ll feel so alive that you’ll gleam!... And find that fire that I know is still within you This has only been a live in person workshop before, I am now, for the 1st time ever offering a do-it-yourself virtual version of my Reconnect Your Dreams presentation and worksheet for just $19! You’ll receive my full presentation and pave a path to light a new fire in your life. Immerse yourself in lost dreams, old memories, and forgotten passions. From there, you will find new possibilities and the ability to thrive in 2021! Sign up now for just $19. (Regular price $39) https://www.empowerlifecoach.com/12-days-of-christmas See more

Empower Life Coach 24.12.2020

Do you give yourself permission to dream? When I say permission, I mean really allow yourself to see what is possible? When you dream, is it something that feels untouchable, in a faraway place? A place that is unrelatable, unsafe, and just too far away.... OR When you dream does it feel like steps away from the actual plan? A safe place to see all that is possible that leads you towards the next step in your life? How do your dreams, past or present serve you? Do they evoke fear, self-doubt, or curiosity? Do you believe your dreams, past and/or present are possible? See more

Empower Life Coach 06.12.2020

On the 9th day of Christmas, your Empowerment Coach gave to you A merry holiday confidence boost And to you, I introduce... My 5-Day Confidence Creator program To guide you to self-love, the power is in your hands! Get the tools you need for a boost in confidence this season for only $27! I’ll offer an outline worksheet along with ways you can bring yourself more self-love, self-acceptance, self-reflection, and pave a path to help you forgive yourself. It’s time to give yourself the gift of confidence. Register today for lifetime access and move along at your own pace. <3 See more

Empower Life Coach 20.11.2020

Self-love is your inner being that allows us to reach your greatest potential but leads with compassion, kindness, and love. Self-love is when you are kind to yourself on the darkest of days. Self-love is allowing yourself to forgive from within, even when things do not go as planned.... Self-love is creating and maintaining healthy boundaries that align with your inner needs and wants. Self-love does not require perfectionism. Self-love is not measured by your level of success. Self-love is not based on the things that you own. Self-love does not sham, insult or ignore Self-love IS seeing yourself as whole, not broken, and loving yourself flaws and all. Self-love is accepting yourself as imperfectly perfect, XoXO Amanda See more

Empower Life Coach 15.11.2020

On the 8th day of Christmas, your Empowerment Coach gave to you A way to feel better about your money With the tools you need for budgeting And an Excel spreadsheet, custom made for you!... Get my financial budgeting coaching for just $97! This is normally $199, and it’s bound to help you financially prepare for 2021. 72% of people are stressed about money, and the pandemic only makes money anxiety worse. You DON’T have to feel this way! This has been a personal lifeline for me and gives me tremendous peace of mind. It helps nearly all walks of life, including self-employed and those who are living paycheck to paycheck. It’s finally time to set your financial worries free. Book with me today! https://www.empowerlifecoach.com/12-days-of-christmas See more

Empower Life Coach 10.11.2020

Nothing is limited - not resources or anything else. It is only limited in the human mind. When we open our minds to the unlimited creative power, we will call forth abundance and see and experience a whole new world.... What will you do today to manifest your desires? See more

Empower Life Coach 07.11.2020

NEW morning.. NEW day... NEW opportunities... Shape your day to accomplish your goals, don't let your day shape you!... What does this mean? Have you ever woken up, overslept, spilled your coffee, and was late for an appointment ... finally declaring "oh, this is going to be a bad day" STOP right there. It's not a bad day. This is exactly when you are rushing, you need to SLOW DOWN. Give yourself that 2 minute pause, to be grateful. It goes something like this: I am grateful for my home. (Envision your home as you think about it, particularly your favorite spot) I am grateful for the air I breathe ( and take a breathe with that thought) I am grateful for my family (think back to a cherished moment) The things you are grateful for, can be big or small, but take the moment to see it in your mind. Not simply the statement aloud. Engage your senses. You control your day, your day doesn't control you. See more

Empower Life Coach 04.11.2020

EMBRACE yourself along the way. FORGIVE yourself for your past. ACCEPT yourself for who you are. LOVE yourself through the good and the bad... BELIEVE in yourself, even when you are scared. ALLOW yourself to make mistakes, You do not have to be perfect. ACKNOWLEDGE yourself for all that you have achieved. DISCOVER yourself by uncovering something new everyday EXPAND yourself beyond your comfort zone, All of this is possible AND MORE. Who you are today and who you can become is only limited by the restraints you place on yourself. The number one thing as a coach that I do while working with clients is create a foundation that creates the space to allow this to happen. What does that mean? We ALL have fears, worries, and sometimes trauma, that has kept us in a holding pattern, preventing us from achieving who we truly desire to be. But you do NOT have to accept this. This is where I come in. Together and with love, we explore some of the triggers, patterns, and behaviors that are blocking your greatness from shining through. Your possibilities are endless, no matter who you are, where you have been, or what has gotten in the way. You only need TWO THINGS, yes two (I said it!) to come out stronger on the other side. 1. Desire within yourself 2. Support along the way (mentor, coach) If you are ready for more, but do not even know where to start or what that would look like - I am here to walk you through. A simple call. One hour of your time. Someone in your corner, who believes in YOU. THIS will be our complimentary discovery session. TOGETHER we will explore, play, and ponder if coaching is right for you. You can schedule a call through the link in my bio or just send me a message. My promise to you is to lead with love. XO, Amanda Trauma Release Life & Business Coach See more

Empower Life Coach 24.10.2020

Embrace those around you who allow you to be yourself. When you are surrounded by those that lift you up, instead of bring you down. When you have those who see you for your worth and encourage you to shine... When you have days that you are not okay, and can simply be as you are without judgment When you are accepted through it all, the good and the bad When their hearts see your greatness, even when you don't When you are reminded of where you can go, rather than where you have been, THIS my friend, is unconditional love. THIS is what you deserve. And NEVER settle for anything less. You are worth all of this and more. Amanda Scocozzo Trauma Release Life & Business Coach See more

Empower Life Coach 12.10.2020

How many times have you caught yourself in a state of worry, maybe even panic? In the simplest terms, worry is being ahead of where you are in the present moment. Forecasting what may or may not happen, about something that has not happened yet. When that out of control moment creeps up on you, slow down, and JUST BE.... Be in the present moment, focus on the now. There are so many opportunities in THE NOW. If you spend your time focused on the what if's, you will miss out on the WHAT IS. Xo, Amanda Scocozzo Trauma Release Life & Business Coach See more

Empower Life Coach 23.09.2020

Your inner goddess is your feminine energy, a beautiful part of your soul that so many women today have lost connection to. Your inner goddess loves you unconditionally and always wants the best for you. Here are some things to look out for if you think you may have lost connection to this beautiful and soft part of you: 1. Many women with high profile positions, working in corporate settings, or management roles - always used to leading (masculine energy)... may find a challenge to shift when they get home allowing themselves to be vulnerable and soft. 2. There is a desire to always be the planner, having a hard time letting someone else (specifically your partner) take the lead. 3. DOING - Always on the go, the do-er, often to the point of exhaustion 4. Find yourself as the pursuer in your relationships (chasing, texting, planning, and again DOING) The partner may construe this as hardened, nagging, controlling, cold There are many reasons why the masculine energy has moved to be first in line, and each woman her own unique story. Like many of my transformation models used with my clients, I believe deeply in a 3 part method: We begin by looking at the past, where you have been, what you may be holding onto and work towards a new beginning of letting go. When we are able to make peace with the past through the journey together, we look at the present and where you are today. What is working, what is not - and continue a path of exploration. When the present transitions into a peaceful place that you are feeling content, peace, and joy we move towards the future which is where the fun begins. This is where you can rebirth your life, in the aspect of masculine and feminine, we will awaken your feminine energy exploring what life will look like from the new place of your feminine connection. Soft, nurturing, creative, joyful Where anything is possible. It is your life, you have the power to choose what that looks like. Let's explore together! See more

Empower Life Coach 06.09.2020

Loneliness runs much deeper than the physical aspect of not having another person with you. Don't confuse it with solitude, which is of choice, is relaxing and often a form of self-care to recharge. Loneliness ties deeply into self-worth and self-love. How you view and see yourself will impact how you value yourself.... You could be in a crowded room, and feel like there is not another soul for miles. This leads to strained relationships, isolation, and a deep yearning to belong. The desire to belong is one of the strongest desires of the humankind. We want to be a part of something, hence why social media has skyrocketed over the years. It provides a sense of connection, "friends" and a place to share yourself. The problem is social media is not filling the void of loneliness... It is noise, similar to the crowded room... When there is no computer, no phone, no connection - who are you? Suddenly being alone, sitting in nature, and listening becomes a scary place. A place that used to be beautiful, filled with vibrancy and song. My suggestions: 1. Take the time alone to readjust and trust the process. Spend some simple quality time simply taking in your surroundings, journaling, and reflecting on the beauty and gifts you want to share with the world. You are loved. 2. Shift what matters Take time for the little things,practice mindfulness. Take in the joys and beautiful air around you, Call a friend (no I did not say text). Have lunch with an old schoolmate. Make it a priority to connect with people in your life regularly. Redefine what connection means to you, and build on that. If you would like to explore this or another aspect of your life, the invitation is here is you would like to sign up for a complimentary call. With love, Amanda See more

Empower Life Coach 21.08.2020

Have you ever been told you cannot do something? How did it make you feel? Not good enough.. Not smart enough .. ... Not worthy enough You are your dreams and noone else can take that away. The lack of belief someone has shown in your or the unkind words they shared is a reflection of them - not you. There is always room for a retake, will you make yours today? We can make the conscious decision if we slow down and listen, to not accept that as truth Question EVERYTHING When I say question EVERYTHING .. I mean EVERYTHING! Why you ask? If you are genuinely curious about something and your brain is focusing on GENUINE curiosity (keyword genuine) it takes your mind out of self -doubt. The key to this is in your questions. By asking better questions, you get better answers! What would that look like? Picture this: You are getting ready to do your first public speaking, palms sweaty - nervous, so much that you want to jump on the nearest bus to anywhere, as long as you are not there. Your mind is telling you: You can’t do this You are not ready for this You are not good enough, there are other people who can do it better And the list goes on. When you feel that sensation of self doubt creep its way in, take a moment and reflect. Ask yourself: What would it look like being on stage as a successful speaker? How would it look after the event, when people want to speak to you aside and learn more? And so forth.. This takes your focus away from the negative place you were going into and begins the process of what is truly possible. Yes, this takes practice- but doesn’t everything? If you knew you could retrain how you view things and quiet self doubt - do you believe it is worth it? Need support? That's where I come in <3 Let's chat Pm me or schedule a call: https://my.timetrade.com/book/QVQML . . . . .

Empower Life Coach 25.07.2020

They told me I could not do it! I proved them wrong I have been told SO many times in life: You can't do that....Continue reading

Empower Life Coach 17.07.2020

Did you ever want something so bad, but gave up before you even started? The self-doubt The second-guessing The excuses... The overbooking yourself The multitasking All of these things just to avoid failure. The fear of not being good enough is one of the most common fears we as humans face on a daily basis. But what if... What if the next time you were ready to give up, the second that doubt started to creep up on you, you took just one step forward. Relish in that moment, and acknowledge yourself that you did not give up. You are good enough. You are worthy. You are successful. And when you celebrate this and really let it sink in, it doesn't mean that the job is done. The next day will come, and you may experience that same self-doubt again. Simply repeat, one step at a time. Each day you are one step closer. Each moment the goal is closer to your reach.

Empower Life Coach 09.07.2020

It is ok to not be ok. You don't need to fake it and always put on a happy face. How does it serve you to hide your true feelings, especially from the ones you love? There may be expectations from others around you to "show up" a certain way, to always keep your head up.... It can be exhausting to always show up as someone who you are not, especially when you are feeling down or needing support. Be aware and stay in tune to your emotions, and practice asking for help. While that may feel scary, people more often than not like knowing they could be there and help someone. Have you ever helped someone and afterward they were so appreciative, how did YOU feel? It felt good right? Don't steal that opportunity for someone else to experience the same feeling by holding back and not asking for help. XXOO See more

Empower Life Coach 02.07.2020

Life has become methodical, uneventful and you have even lost your spark. It’s not your fault. Life sometimes can get messy. Sometimes people say things that can rip our soul to shreds.... It’s not your fault. Life can be unfair, things do not go as planned. You are feeling defeated and gave up your dream. It’s not your fault. How do I know it is not your fault? Because I was in that very place. Living the life I was supposed to live rather than the life I desired, I found myself captured by the masses and unable to break free. In a job that ate away my soul and sucked every last drop of energy I had. In a life that I am not sure who created, but it certainly did not feel like me. Alone and separated from those I loved, for the sake of work and what society deems as success I finally awoke from this nightmare of emptiness, and was ready for more! Together, we can explore how to break free from the routine by embracing the freedom to explore. Understand WHY we make the decisions we do and HOW to make better decisions by shifting a few small things How to shift into a more positive mindset, which will lead you to more positive outcomes and opportunities. Anything is possible for you, and I would be honored to share the journey of exploration together, Sent me a DM if you would like to explore. XXOO See more

Empower Life Coach 16.06.2020

12 Strategies to Change Your Brain and Your Life