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Locality: Cortland, New York

Phone: +1 607-753-0234

Address: 165 Main St 13045-2130 Cortland, NY, US

Website: www.fcscortland.org

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Family Counseling Services 26.04.2021

Parenting is hard, but Parenting Wisely can help. This highly interactive course is designed by family and social scientists to help parents with tips and tools to parent your children in difficult situations. Learn constructive skills proven to solve problem behaviors, family conflict, and more.

Family Counseling Services 06.04.2021

Harm reduction can be an important and life saving component in treating substance use disorders. Harm reduction is a set of practical strategies and ideas aimed at reducing negative consequences associated with drug use. Our narcan trainings are an example of a harm reduction technique.

Family Counseling Services 21.03.2021

We are offering Narcan trainings online or in person. The next training is on April 6th. Overdoses can kill. As a person begins to overdose their breath slows and may even stop. The key to saving the life of a person who is overdosing is to get them breathing again as quickly as possible. - Healing Cortland Test your knowledge by taking the interactive National Drug & Alcohol IQ Challenge quiz.

Family Counseling Services 03.03.2021

Today kicks off National Drug & Alcohol Awareness Week. Addiction - any behavior that a person finds relief and therefore craves in the short-term but suffers negative consequences in the long-term & doesn't give up despite the negative consequences.- Gabor mate

Family Counseling Services 25.02.2021

For questions contact Mary Dykeman at [email protected] Register at:https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUkcO- tqTwrGNzGzy9Yy1oOIapfWrXxCS5u

Family Counseling Services 18.02.2021

Although eating disorders are often dismissed as a condition of vanity, that couldn’t be further from the truth. They are complex conditions that impact every o...rgan system in the body, including cognition. Eating disorders are commonly comorbid with other disorderssuch as depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)and substance use disorders. #NEDAwareness If you think you may be struggling with an eating disorder and want to check your symptoms, taking a screen at MHAscreening.org can help.

Family Counseling Services 03.02.2021

The goal of National Eating Disorders Awareness Week (#NEDAwareness) is to shine the spotlight on eating disorders by educating the public, spreading a message of hope, and putting lifesaving resources into the hands of those in need. https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/get-in/nedawareness

Family Counseling Services 24.01.2021

Today is Random Acts of Kindness Day! This worksheet encourages you to list five day-to-day activities that you typically do. Then, next to each activity, write a way you can do the same activity, but with an added element of kindness. For example, "Floss & brush teeth" might get transformed into "Think of five things I'm grateful for while flossing and brushing." This is an excellent exercise to think of ways to incorporate kindness (for others and yourself) into your daily routine.

Family Counseling Services 14.01.2021

Tomorrow, February 17th, is Random Acts of Kindness Day! Scientific evidence shows us the positive effects of doing kind acts for others as well as receiving or even witnessing kindness. Even the smallest act of kindness can change a life. In 2021, we encourage everyone to Explore the Good and Make Kindness the Norm. https://www.randomactsofkindness.org/

Family Counseling Services 03.01.2021

To register go to : https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/ register/tZcsdumvqzIpGN1SIN1rjjOTKA0rJBl9HETL For questions contact Mary Dykeman at [email protected]

Family Counseling Services 23.12.2020

We were very excited to have several of Santa's reindeer at our office yesterday! Wishing you all a healthy and happy holiday season from the FCCS staff and board!

Family Counseling Services 19.12.2020

If you are seeking additional support this holiday season contact 855-778-1900 for Liberty Resources Mobile Line. By calling this number you can reach 24/7 peer support. This line can be utilized for non-crisis reasons if someone just needs to talk, needs support, is feeling lonely, etc. Please pass this number on to anyone who may need it.

Family Counseling Services 03.12.2020

Whatever emotions that you are feeling right now are valid.

Family Counseling Services 26.11.2020

The holidays, while thought to be a joyous time of year for some, can be a stressful time for others. The Mental Health America Crisis Text Line provides free, confidential text message support for individuals experiencing emotional distress or crises. It is available 24/7. Text MHA to 741-741 for support.

Family Counseling Services 22.11.2020

Cortland's first Narcan Distribution Pop Up Event this past Friday was a success! 42 kits distributed, 11 additional people interacted with & hygiene kits distr...ibuted and 1 COTI Program referral made. A huge thank you to the team from Family & Children's Counseling Services (and the COTI Program) and our amazing AmeriCorps member, Jackie, for making this happen! Learn more about naloxone and community resources: https://healingcortland.org/narcan/ See more