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Locality: New York, New York

Phone: +1 716-604-8129

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Paints and Pastries 26.01.2021

Don’t forget to follow #LovinCakeful on Instagram

Paints and Pastries 17.01.2021

Some blankets (kikis) that have been sold...

Paints and Pastries 07.01.2021

Hi everyone! Due to so many life events this year with my mother’s death and my fathers stroke, among other things, shutting down my bakery was so hard to do. But, on a positive note, this page will now incorporate Cake Me I’m Yours Bakery, my crafts and everything I love. Thank you for joining me on this journey! ... Stay tuned for a menu and other promotions in the coming months.

Paints and Pastries 27.12.2020

Some photos of the cradle Kiki (blanket) being mailed tomorrow. It’s hard to get the pink just right in the photos. It’s very pretty & delicate. Message me if you’d like to order.