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Locality: Sidney, New York

Phone: +1 607-316-0117

Address: 383 State Highway 7 13838 Sidney, NY, US

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Riegel Restoration 07.12.2020

This 200 year old, exterior window stop was made from an inferior piece of wood with a large knot in it. Upon removal, it was almost ready to split completely in half. So, using equally as old, old growth wood, the knot was cut out and a new wood Dutchman was installed. This 200 year old window stop is now stronger than ever and ready for paint. #whitestorechurch #repairdontreplace

Riegel Restoration 22.11.2020

More sash ready for primer.

Riegel Restoration 12.11.2020

The shutters are all hung on the Perch Pond Schoolhouse. Such an upgrade to this honest little building. In the spring they will get a final coat of paint and the hardware will be painted to match. The exterior trim will also be painted in the spring.

Riegel Restoration 26.10.2020

The reproduction shutters that were made to match the originals in old photographs are being hung on the Perch Pond Schoolhouse today. They were painted a period correct green for the era of the building.

Riegel Restoration 20.10.2020

John is softening hard putty with heat gun to remove the putty on this window sash.

Riegel Restoration 30.09.2020

Spending the afternoon cleaning glass with Brian McKnight playing in the shop. John Kessler is so damn patient with my music...