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Locality: Sleepy Hollow, New York

Phone: +1 914-418-5679

Address: 245 N. Broadway Suite 207 10591 Sleepy Hollow, NY, US

Website: wellcollab.com

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Well Collaborative 30.12.2020

In a recent newsletter, I asked what everyone’s silver corona lining was & man it was a HIT. I got so many responses, both directly to the newsletter & then in person at their appointments. It was like the question hit so personally that it needed to be answered *in* person. So much of being human is the physicality of others & I think pre-covid, with increasing technological opportunities to sit behind our screens & be social, this insidious thing of being bolstered in... narrow minded thinking & boisterously proclaiming it online began to take root & become normal. But looking someone in the eye & being with them in person? On the whole, you connect more to each others’ humanity & behave more kindly to each other. We get more exposure & experience with people who are different from us, & that expands our hearts. And our world views. And our capacity for kindness. So we maybe noticed it but had the luxury to not do anything about this increasing intrahumanity distancing, because we could still be social. But now, we’re *forced* behind those screens. And now we’re angry. We’re missing that human interaction. So: Maybe moving forward, we won’t squander it Maybe in a post covid world, we’ll send our kids outside more. Maybe neighborhood kids gathering and playing will become more of a thing again Maybe in a post covid world, we’ll be more accepting of the differences between introverts and extroverts, acknowledging that each of us can be fueled in different social ways Maybe in a post covid world, we can come to a mutual and wide held understanding that though we are each individuals, we’re really in this together. And that sometimes, because of things out of our control, we have to help each other And maybe even when things are back in our control, we can keep that new way of being with us maybe we can keep the thread of community and helping each other and giving up a little of what we each personally have in order to help the greater good. See more

Well Collaborative 26.12.2020

I’m bringing breathwork back into the practice and I’m getting a lot of questions about it, so I wanted to compile some information in one handy place. Enter... new blog post! https://wellcollab.com/blog/2020/10/26/why-breathwork... Clickable link in bio @wellcollab See more

Well Collaborative 15.12.2020

I’m kind of reluctantly working through visibility issues. Who’s with me? On the one hand, I love love love what I do:... On a good day, I’ve helped get someone out of pain, shined light on complex shadow work that doesn’t have a simple answer but the first step is to acknowledge that it’s there, brought joy into the world, helped someone conceive, and helped to bring a new human into the world. Those days are the BEST! But being seen? It’s a trip. It’s this complex thing of, I want to (new clients! New work to do! Interesting problems to help facilitate an answer to! Helping people move forward!) but I don’t (introvert!). My reasons are valid (the need to block, report, and/or file police because of threatening online behavior), and also baseless (but am I worth the visibility? This, by the way, is such a useless human response to visibility ). Thank you to Keegan of @collabhousedigital for reminding me of what I’m here for: to grow and help others flourish. To support my family through helping others support themselves To share my gifts with the world See more

Well Collaborative 01.12.2020

BREATHWORK GROUPS ARE BACK $15 30 minutes Thursdays at 10 am... Clickable link in bio https://acupunctureoftarrytown.as.me/schedule.php See more

Well Collaborative 27.11.2020

Anyone who’s been to the office knows that this sneak peak of my new in-office promo photos from Alex Ayer is pretty true to form: Big cat wallpaper Fun pants Holding a plant ... Slightly mischievous smile Stay tuned for more : @diversitypics See more