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Locality: White Plains, New York

Phone: +1 914-848-7333

Address: 50 Main Street Suite 1000 10606 White Plains, NY, US

Website: www.HJPLAWNY.com

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White Plains trial attorney 30.12.2020

What happens in Federal Court when the Executive Branch refuses to comply with a subpoena from Congress and the Federal Judge orders the Executive Branch to comply?

White Plains trial attorney 19.12.2020

A beacon of hope shone in Washington yesterday when the House started conducting its hearings on the possibility of a bill to authorize reparations for slavery. If the Marshall Plan and those plans that followed authorized money to rebuild the cities and countries that we bombed in various wars, clearly the time has come to take responsibility for what we did domestically through slavery.

White Plains trial attorney 09.12.2020

I’d like to see Michael Flynn, former national security advisor, and Rick Gates, 2016 deputy campaign chairman, testify before Congress. Wouldn’t you want to see that?

White Plains trial attorney 21.11.2020

If I issued a subpoena for someone to testify I would expect it to be complied with and enforced.

White Plains trial attorney 16.11.2020

The drama in Washington reminds me of the OJ trial -is there a glove in this drama and will it fit?